Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR): the base software of Veeam that allows the user to backup virtual machines running on hypervisors, or individual files of those machines to a local or a network-based storage.
Service Provider Console (SPC): a web-based portal that allows the customer / reseller / service provider to manage and configure users and jobs. It is available through https://veeam.speicherblock.at
Management Agent: a piece of software that allows the client computer / infrastructure to connect to the service provider console
Veeam Backup Agent (VBA): a piece of software that allows the user to utilize the capabilities of Veeam on stand-alone machines without installing VBR
Veeam Backup for O365 (VBO): a piece of software that allows the user to back up an entire Office 365 (now Microsoft 365) organization including Exchange mailboxes, Sharepoint sites, Onedrive and Teams.
Rental License: a licensing type that is subscription based for the service provider. The SP can provide a full backup infrastructure through this licensing mode including onsite and offsite backups and the usage of the SPC. Note that it’s possible to use the SP console with Backup Agent only if the rental license is used. To use SPC with VBR, any other licensing form is allowed however, with Backup Agents, only the rental licensing is possible.
Veeam Cloud Connect (VCC): a Veeam server residing in the cloud that provides an offsite repository in the SP’s infrastructure. Customers can create backups that are copied or backup jobs that are executed into the cloud simply by using VBR. The publicly available URL is vcc-ix.speicherblock.at
Tenant: the term is used on the VCC server, it refers to the customer or end-user. The same entity is called Company in the SPC.
Repository: the storage where you store the backed up data. It can be local, on-site, in the same infrastructure where Veeam is installed, or off-site, in the infrastructure of the SP. In the latter case, it’s called Cloud Repository.
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