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Getting Started... (IMPORTANT)

Veeam Service Provider Console

The Veeam Service Provider Console can be found under

To see how to log in, click here.

The below articles are essentially created as a reseller guide. Though most steps can be done by the end-customers as well, the reseller UI differs slightly from that of the customer's. Please note that NOT all of these small differences are followed up with a respective screenshot, however the guides should still be comprehensive for the customer as well. Reseller prerequisite tasks in each case are clearly indicated. 

Veeam Backup and Replication

To protect Virtual Machines on hypervisors.

A: Customer has Veeam Backup and Replication already installed

Prerequisite Reseller tasks:

  1. Create company in SPC with username and password and quota for the tenant
  2. Create a license through the SP console VCSP pulse plugin and provide it to the customer if he is responsible for the management of the backup server

Both reseller and customer can do:

  1. In VBR console, add your SP under Service providers and tick in the Service provider can manage this installation (This also installs the Management Agent)
  2. Check if the license is the Rental license, if not, replace it
  3. Check the current VBR and upgrade or patch it if necessary:
  4. Check existing backup infrastructure: check if the connection to the hypervisor is fine, check if the configured backup repository is correct.
  5. Check configuration backup and adjust it, if necessary
  6. Define the jobs in the VBR console
  7. Additional information: manage jobs from the SPC (you can start/stop, enable/disable them BUT you cannot create them)
B: Customer needs VBR installed

Prerequisite Reseller tasks:

  1. Create company in SPC with username and password and quota for the tenant
  2. Create a license through the SP console VCSP pulse plugin and provide it to the customer if he is responsible for the management of the backup server

Both reseller and customer can do:

  1. Install the Management Agent
  2. Install VBR:
  3. In VBR console, tick in the Service provider can manage this installation 
  4. Connect to the hypervisor
  5. Create a local backup repository
  6. Create the configuration backup
  7. Define the jobs in the VBR console
  8. Additional information: manage jobs from the SPC (you can start/stop, enable/disable them BUT you cannot create them)

Veeam Backup Agent

To protect stand-alone machines (physical servers, work-stations).

C: Customer already has Backup Agents installed on stand-alone computers

Prerequisite reseller tasks:

  1. Create company in SPC with username and password and quota for the tenant

Both reseller and customer can do:

  1. Install the Veeam Management Agent on the customer’s  computer
  2. Activate and (if necessary) upgrade the Veeam Backup Agent already installed on the customer’s computer
  3. Use the SPC to create/delete, start/stop, enable/disable jobs.
  4. Additional information: Use the File-level Restore Portal to restore files
D: Customer needs Backup Agents installed on stand-alone computers

Prerequisite reseller tasks:

  1. Create company in SPC with username and password and quota for the tenant

Both reseller and customer can do:

  1. Install the Veeam Management Agent on the customer’s computer
  2. Install the Veeam Backup Agent on the customer’s computer (in this scenario, the Veeam Backup Agent is used in the “managed” mode, which means that the licensing is automatically configured: the rental license of the reseller / SP is used)
  3. Use the SPC to create/delete, start/stop, enable/disable jobs.
  4. Additional information: Use the File-level Restore Portal to restore files

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 (previously Office 365)

To protect M365 data on the SP Veeam infrastructure

E: Customer needs to protect M365 data - Reseller Guide

End-customers cannot configure M365 backups

  1. Create company and assign VBM resources
  2. Configure the connection to the M365 organization (with Modern Authentication)
  3. Create the M365 backup  job
  4. Additional information: Restore portal setup for tenants
  5. Additional information: Use the Restore portal

Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure

To protect Microsoft Azure data with cloud backup copies to SP's Cloud Connect infra

F: Customer needs VBR and the Azure appliance installed - Reseller is responsible
  1. Create company and assign Backup Server and cloud repository resources in VSPC
  2. Install the Management Agent on the Backup Server
  3. Create a license through the SP console VCSP pulse plugin
  4. Install Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR) server (on the customer infrastructure or on an Azure VM) 
  5. In the VBR console, tick in the Service provider can manage this installation 
  6. Create the configuration backup for VBR
  7. Check the Azure plug-in version and upgrade the plug-in if needed
  8. Deploy Veeam Backup for Azure appliance from VBR
  9. Create an Azure storage account (this will be used as repository on Azure)
  10. Configure a repository on the Azure Appliance Web console 
  11. Configure a backup policy and run first backup
  12. Configure a backup copy to the service provider cloud
G: Customer needs VBR and the Azure appliance installed - Customer is responsible

Prerequisite Reseller tasks:

  1. Create company and assign Backup Server and cloud repository resources in VSPC
  2. Create a license through the SP console VCSP pulse plugin and provide it to the customer
  3. Download the VBR installation iso file and provide it to the customer

Customer tasks:

  1. Install the Management Agent on the Backup Server
  2. Install Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR) server from an iso (on the customer infrastructure or on an Azure VM) 
  3. Use the Rental license for VBR
  4. In the VBR console, tick in the Service provider can manage this installation 
  5. Create the configuration backup for VBR
  6. Check the Azure plug-in version and upgrade the plug-in if needed
  7. Deploy Veeam Backup for Azure appliance from VBR
  8. Create an Azure storage account (this will be used as repository on Azure)
  9. Configure a repository on the  Azure Appliance Web console 
  10. Configure a backup policy and run first backup
  11. Configure a backup copy to the service provider cloud


Unsure which Scenario you need?

Which software?

  • If the Customer wants to protect Virtual Machines on a hypervisor, you'll need to use Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR)
  • If the Customer wants to protect a stand-alone machine, you'll need Veeam Backup Agent (VBA)
  • If the Customer wants to protect M365, use the SP console to configure the connection to our Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server (VBM)

Fresh install or reconfigure an existing installation (VBR / VBA)?

  • You also need to know if the application (VBR or VBA) has already been installed and configured with either another Service Provider (from which they want to migrate over to us) or as a stand-alone installation. 
  • Or you'll need to do a fresh installation of the application. Consult with your Customer about what they have and what they don't.

The configuration guides here will cover all possible scenarios so that finally, the installation will meet all requirements and appear in the Service Provider Console for easier management and invoicing.

Other useful information