Create a Backup Repository (DE)
Choose the Repository type, in our example we'll use Direct attached storage.
Choose the operation system type.
Give the repository a name.
Click Next>
Choose the server. (It's auto-populated with your backup server)
Click Next>
Click Browse and choose the drive and the folder (e.g. D:\LocalRepo).
Caution: never use your C:\ (operating system drive) to store backups.
Define the number of maximum concurrent tasks. This depends on the number of processor cores you have. If you have 4 cores, do not define more than 4 concurrent tasks.
Click Advanced and review the settings.
Leave the Align backup file data blocks ticked in
If your repository drive is a rotating drive, tick in the option. (Rotating drives are e.g. USB drives plugged into the computer. If they are unplugged and plugged in again, they might get a different drive letter. This option will protect the backups from getting corrupted during such a change.)
If you'd like to have separate backup files for each of the backed up VMs, choose Use per-machine backup files.
Note: this is practical, in a scenario when the backup files are corrupted e.g. because of a storage block error. If all the VMs are in one file, it means all the backups of the VMs are lost. If they are kept separately, only the backups of that one VM will be lost, the files of which got corrupted. BUT this also means, your backups will be bigger!
Click OK and Next>
If the file system is not ReFS, you'll need to consent a warning.
Choos eht IRCache folder. IRCache is a folder where your instant recovery VM files will be stored. This needs sufficient space and a fast drive (SSD). If you don't have a separate SSD for this, leave it on the default.
Review the configuration.
At this point, in case the drive already had some backups stored on it, you can tell Veeam to read them up by ticking in Search the repository for existing backups and import them automatically.
The configuration will run.
Click Finish to close the wizard.
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