Veeam Admin Guide (DE)
Allgemeine Informationen und Fehlersuche
Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR): die Basis Software von Veeam, welche dem Nutzer Backups von v...
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Veeam Backup & Replication und Veeam Backup Agent? Ganz einfach...
Spickzettel zur Konfiguration :-)
Veeam ist GROSS. Ihnen stehen viele Einstellungen zur Verfügung, denn jeder Kunde hat andere...
Den "Yeti" jagen- eine Schritt für Schritt Anleitung um Veeam einzurichten
START ||Existiert der Kunder in der Console?| ...
Verbindungs Informationen
Console: Service Provider Console URL: VCC-IX: IP Adresse: 18...
In der Cloud - Backups, Jobs, Repositories und Security
Cloud Repositories sind bestimmte Speicherorte in der Cloud, wo Kunden ihre VM Daten speichern k...
Veeam Anti-Virus Einstellungen
Bitte sehen Sie sich den originalen Veeam KB an:
Veeam Backup und OneDrive / externer Datenspeicher
Quelle: and Veeam vendor support! Verstehen des OneDrive-Dateistatu...
Langsame VBR Console
Problem Ihre Veeam Backup and Replication Console öffnet sehr langsam und zeigt manchmal eine ti...
Wie stellt man fest, ob ein Port offen ist?
PowerShell-Äquivalent zu "telnet" Die meisten IT-Mitarbeiter kennen den alten Befehl "telnet" g...
Veeam Service Provider Console (VSPC) (DE)
Allgemeine Information über die Veeam SP Console
In die Console einloggen Öffnen Sie auf irgendeinem Computer einen Browser und suchen Sie die Ve...
Erstellen Sie eine Firma in VSPC (VBR und VBA)
Loggen Sie sich in die Service Provider Console mit ihrem Reseller user ein. Wählen Sie das Com...
Connection to the SP Console - Using the Management Agent (DE)
Log in to the Veeam Service Provider Console as a company administrator Navigate to https://veea...
Cloud Connect: Reporting from the SP console
Prerequisites In case you want to send the report from the console, you need to have an email ad...
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA or 2FA)
Introduction Multi-factor authentication is a security process in which a user provides two (or ...
Der Anfang ...(WICHTIG)
Veeam Service Provider Console Die Veeam Service Provider Console findet man unter: https://veea...
Veeam Backup and Replication (VBR) (DE)
Install Veeam Backup and Replication from the SP Console (VBR v12) (DE)
Prerequisites at least 25 GB free space on the client computer (installation file is 13GB) Mana...
Patching / Upgrading VBR through the SP console (DE)
Prerequisites you need to have at least 20 GB free space the server's hard disk upgrade configu...
Configuration Backup for VBR (before patching or upgrading) (DE)
Before you begin any update or patching procedures on VBR, it’s practical to backup your current ...
Service Provider Configuration in VBR (DE)
Give access to Service Provider If the service provider is already configured in the customer’s ...
Licensing VBR (DE)
Make sure that the CloudBrokers rental license is used for the customer’s VBR. Go to Options: ...
Check Existing Backup Infrastructure (VBR) (DE)
Check the hypervisor Choose Backup infrastructure > Managed servers Open the Properties of t...
Connect to the hypervisor (DE)
Open the VBR console Start > Veeam > Veeam Backup & Replication Console Choose Inventory > V...
Create a Backup Repository (DE)
From the main menu, choose Backup Infrastructure > Backup Repositories > Add Repository Choose...
Configuring jobs in VBR (DE)
Configure a local job To configure a job in the customer’s VBR, go to the Home section and choos...
Manage VBR Jobs from the Console (DE)
On any computer: After setting up the jobs in VBR, you’ll be able to manage them from the SP Cons...
SQL Backup - Native
Caution Use the native backup together with a snapshot-based backup ONLY WITH CAUTION! Snapshot-...
Veeam Application Aware processing vs. Native SQL Backups
Introduction Veeam offers various possibilities for taking care of SQL backups. However, some of...
Network Traffic Rules - Bandwidth Throttling (VBR)
Bandwidth throttling is needed if the bandwidth of the customer is not very high (e.g. below a 10...
Add New Agent Backup Job and Agent Backup Copy Job in VBR
OR Backup Copy Job (Target, data trans...
Add Stand-Alone Server to VBR - screenshots only
(takes a LOT of time)
Add Protection Group to VBR - screenshots only
During the discovery, Veeam will install the components. If a restar...
Veeam Backup Agent (VBA) (DE)
Install the Veeam Backup Agent (DE)
From any computer: If you want to control the backup jobs of the customer through a Backup Agent,...
Activate Veeam Backup Agent (DE)
In case the customer's machine already had a Backup Agent installed and is currently in Stand-alo...
Upgrade Veeam Backup Agent from the SP Console (DE)
To upgrade VBA from the console go to Discovery > Backup Agents Note whether the server needs an...
Create and Manage VBA Jobs in the Console (DE)
Create local jobs To configure Veeam Backup Agent, you can log into the Service Provider Console...
New Backup Policy - screenshots only
Create Assign
Install VBA locally - screenshots only
Configure New Local Job in VBA - screenshots only
Seed a Cloud Backup for Veeam Backup Agent (DE)
Seeding is the process of creating a local backup, uploading it to the SP's infrastructure by a f...
VBA: Network Throttling in VSPC (DE)
Network throttling will limit how much network usage can Veeam use during a cloud backup operatio...
VBA: File-Level Restore Portal (from SP Console version 7) (DE)
The Veeam console gives you an opportunity to do a file-level restore on the self-service portal ...
Veeam Backup for M365 (DE)
Create company in VSPC (VBM365) (DE)
Log on to the Service Provider console with your Reseller user. Choose the Companies menu and cl...
Optional: How to create a Global Admin in M365
Create the admin As an administrator log on to: From the left men...
Configuration with Modern authentication (DE)
This is our recommended configuration. We can use this if you don't need to back up special mailb...
Create a new M365 Backup job (DE)
Note: if you plan to configure multiple jobs, be aware that each user will be processed only once...
Restore portal setup for tenants (DE)
Open an elevated PowerShell window and run the Install-Module cmdlet to install the Azure Active ...
Restore items through the Restore Portal (DE)
The URL of the Restore Portal is Or Log in to the SP...
VBM365: Reporting from the SP console
Prerequisites In case you want to send the report from the console, you need to have an email ad...